June 29, 2024 Release Notes

Updates and new features are regularly developed and released on Open Supply Hub, often based on feedback from users like you. Read what was included in the most recently released set of changes.

Here’s what you can expect from the most recent updates to Open Supply Hub:

Interaction Improvements:

  • Claiming - Included in this release is another update to the claims workflow, which was designed to streamline the steps for submitting a claim request. The majority of this new flow was released as part of our June 15 release, but this latest release also includes a new What is a claims screen that provides additional context about the claims process and requirements to get a claim approved.
    • Are you the owner or manager of a production location listed on OS Hub? Search for your production location on OS Hub and click on the link that says I want to claim this production location at the top of the profile to submit a claim.

Refactoring, Automation and Architecture Changes:

  • Search Infrastructure - As part of our continuing efforts to enhance search features, we have established a connection between the Logstash service, OpenSearch, and our current database for both the production and staging environments. Logstash will facilitate the transfer of data from our current database to the powerful OpenSearch engine, enabling quick and efficient fuzzy search capabilities for front-end and API users. Additionally, we have implemented data-gathering logic for Logstash to populate OpenSearch with production location data for the upcoming Search 2.0 features.

  • GDPR and Data Sharing - We use various AWS products and the Rollbar error logging tool, which can collect user data. To ensure continued compliance with GDPR and other data legislation, our logging systems have been updated not to collect IP addresses where not necessary for the system to function.

New features and updates like these are often built based on feedback from OS Hub users. If you have any questions about these updates or would like to make a suggestion for future improvements, please contact us.

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