Updates and new features are regularly developed and released on Open Supply Hub, often based on feedback from users like you. Read what was included in the most recently released set of changes.
Here’s what you can expect from the most recent updates to Open Supply Hub:
Downloaded data from Open Supply Hub now includes only one row per OS ID, with all facility information included in that row.
When looking at data contributors on a facility profile:

If an organization has uploaded multiple lists, those lists will now be grouped under that organization. Relatedly, the contributor count displayed will now be counted by organization, rather than by list.
Contributors will now be separated into “Current Contributors” and “Other Contributors". Current Contributors are connected to that facility via active data in the platform. Other Contributors display as “anonymized contributions,” which look like [A Brand/Retailer], for example.*
When you run a search in Open Supply Hub, the search results will now include the number of active & public contributors connected to a facility.
You will then be able to choose whether to sort those search results alphabetically or by number of contributors.

In order to help users interpret the data they are seeing, it will now be mandatory to include the name of a list when uploading to OS Hub manually. Note that apostrophes and hyphens are the only symbols allowed in list names.
The platform will automatically clean extra spaces and commas from uploaded data, to improve readability & quality of data in the system. When displaying data, question marks (indicating a special character was uploaded) and consecutive commas will be hidden.
To better highlight and improve findability of OS IDs, minor user interface changes to font sizes, weights and spacing have been implemented.
New features and updates like these are often built based on feedback from OS Hub users. If you have any questions about these updates or would like to make a suggestion for future improvements, please contact us.
*What does it mean when a Data Contributor on a facility doesn’t have a specific organization name, but is listed as [A Brand/Retailer] or [A Civil Society Organization], for example?
There are two reasons this might occur:
The organization that once contributed that facility is no longer working with it. In removing that facility or uploading a new list without that facility included, it broke their connection with the facility and anonymized the data contribution.
This facility was added via an anonymous API connection. Some API users choose to push data to OS Hub to receive OS IDs for facilities, but do not add their organization name as a Data Contributor.