Encourage your facilities to claim their profiles

Finished uploading your facility or supplier list to OS Hub? Now you can reach out to your facilities to let them know that they are listed on Open Supply Hub and can claim their profile.

Here's some sample language you can use and adapt.


We’re writing to let you know that {{Brand/OrgName}} has uploaded its supplier list to Open Supply Hub (OS Hub).

OS Hub is an accessible, collaborative, supply chain mapping platform, used and populated by stakeholders across sectors and supply chains.

We uploaded our supplier list to OS Hub in {{INSERT MONTH HERE}} and, as one of our suppliers, your facility(s) appears on the tool and has been allocated a unique OS ID. You are free to use this ID as you wish; it acts as a common ID linking multiple different IDs across systems.

It is also possible to “claim” your facility on the site and add additional information to the facility profile, including production capabilities, MOQs, certifications and more. The benefits of claiming your facility and completing your profile include:

  • Having a free, credible and verified profile on an open platform, used around the world.
  • Being discoverable to buyers who may use OS Hub as a sourcing tool, leading to new client leads and future sales.
  • An outlet to keep your facility information up-to-date for partner organizations.

To claim your facility, you’ll need to complete the following steps (you can also watch this quick video tutorial):

  • Register for a free account on OS Hub. Once you’ve registered, be sure to check your email account and click the verification link sent to you in order to activate your account.
  • Search for your facility on the site
  • On the facility’s OS Hub listing, click: Owners or managers can claim this facility
    You will then be asked to complete a short, three step verification process, in order to verify your identity and connection to the facility.

Once your claim has been reviewed and approved, you will be able to:

  • Update facility location and address details.
  • Specify production details and certifications.
  • Share order minimums and average lead times.
  • Add information about your head office and parent company.

This information will be shown publicly on the facility profile page.

There is no obligation for you to interact with the tool, if you choose not to - this is not another reporting requirement. Regardless of whether or not you choose to create an account on OS Hub and claim your facility, you are welcome to search the tool and make use of your unique OS ID, for free. The OS ID does not replace any other ID numbers associated with your facility, but it can be used alongside them.

For any questions, you can reach out to OS Hub team directly: info@opensupplyhub.org

Kind regards,

{{Your Name}}

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