Facility Case Study: TAL Apparel Limited

OS Hub provides the platform we need to check our supply chain information (suppliers and subcontractors) and promote supply chain transparency. And, with its integration with the Higg Index, we can see all of the information with just one click!

TAL Apparel Limited grows their supply chains network with confidence

TAL Apparel Limited is expanding. As they do so, they are looking to grow their subcontractor network. OS Hub allows TAL Apparel to quickly learn key details about potential subcontractor facilities, so they can grow with confidence.

At the same time, OS Hub has helped TAL Apparel Limited to promote supply chain transparency by providing a platform to share more information about their facilities, through the [Claim a Facility] feature.

They have claimed OS Hub profiles for each of their facilities, listing details like Facility Type, Number of Workers, Certifications and more.

TAL Apparel is a Sustainable Apparel Coalition signatory and a user of the Higg Index. Thanks to the API integration between Open Supply Hub and Worldly, the TAL Apparel team can now see all of their supply chain information (including OS IDs) through Worldly with a single click.

Part of the global TAL Group, TAL Apparel Limited has 6 facilities in Asia and Africa and provides garment manufacturing and services across multiple stages of the apparel supply chain.

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