May 18, 2024 Release Notes

Updates and new features are regularly developed and released on Open Supply Hub, often based on feedback from users like you. Read what was included in the most recently released set of changes.

Here’s what you can expect from the most recent updates to Open Supply Hub:

Interaction Improvements:

  • Submitting a Claim? You can now attach documents to your claim request. Rather than wait for the OS Hub team to reach out when your claim is under review, you can now attach the necessary documentation when initially submitting the claim.

Resolved Bugs:

  • Not Found Error when Submitting Confirm/Reject URLs: For API users who upload data to OS Hub, there was an issue where you may have received an error when responding to potential matches with the confirm/reject URL. This was the result of two tables in the database being slightly out of sync with each other, resulting in a not found error when confirm/reject URLs were submitted. This has now been resolved.
  • Receiving Confirm/Reject Response on an Automatic Match: Some API users may have noticed that when their upload requests resulted in an automatic match, they still received confirm/reject URLs. This was also caused by the way data was stored in the database tables and has now been resolved.

Refactoring, Automation and Architecture Changes:

  • Fuzzy Search Architecture: In order to make the OS Hub database easier to search, OpenSearch and Logstash have been implemented as part of foundational architecture on which additional search features can be built.

New features and updates like these are often built based on feedback from OS Hub users. If you have any questions about these updates or would like to make a suggestion for future improvements, please contact us.

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