April 21, 2024 Release Notes

Updates and new features are regularly developed and released on Open Supply Hub, often based on feedback from users like you. Read what was included in the most recently released set of changes.

Here’s what you can expect from the most recent updates to Open Supply Hub:

Interaction Improvements:

  • Claiming a facility? It's now easier to know which sector values are supported and select the sector that best describes a facility. When claiming a facility, users will now select from the same dropdown menu used on the front-end search to select sector values for their facilities. This will ensure consistent data across claimed and unclaimed facilities and reduce errors in the claims workflow.
  • Editing a facility claim? When the OS Hub data team approves a facility claim, that claim is unique to the name and address of the facility data entered at the time of the claim. As such, we've turned off the ability to edit the name and address for a claimed facility.
  • New sort order! You can now sort search results by two additional methods - from Z to A and from lowest to highest number of contributors. This is in addition to A to Z sort and highest to lowest number of contributors, which were already supported.

Refactoring, Automation and Architecture Changes:

  • We've added a few more pieces of data cleaning logic for data uploaded from lists and from the API. This is so that data with quotations marks and duplicate commas are cleaned before the data is saved in the database and displayed on the front-end.

New features and updates like these are often built based on feedback from OS Hub users. If you have any questions about these updates or would like to make a suggestion for future improvements, please contact us.

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