Bye bye PDFs and excel spreadsheets!

Show your supplier list on a branded map.

You strive for excellence in supply chain management and consumer transparency.

However, getting your supplier list on your website in a way that matches your brand’s identity, without having to build a custom solution or constantly be updating a PDF is easier said than done.

Upcoming Webinar:

Open Data Opens Doors: how we're building the world’s most complete, open and accessible global supply chain map

Join us for a live session on November 21, where we'll walk through how OS Hub has become a critical tool for organizations around the world who are looking to set themselves up for efficient and impactful supply chain due diligence, stakeholder engagement, and more - and how you can be one of them!

With an Embedded Map, you can easily display your supplier data on your website in less than a week.

  • No IT development needed. You just need to copy-paste a short piece of code into your website page

  • Choose your map colors and fonts to align with your brand

  • Display additional information, like audit dates, GHG emissions, gender breakdowns or organization-specific programs

  • Always keep your map up to date: updating your supply chain data on OS Hub automatically refreshes your website's map

  • Meet transparency requirements: the Embedded Map offers a visual and interactive way to meet internal transparency benchmarks and requirements of multi-stakeholder initiatives, indexes or rankings all in one place.

✔ Customizable data points and aesthetics

✔ Real-time updates for consistent accuracy

✔ Easy-to-filter search map

✔ Data downloads into machine-readable format

✔ Compliance with industry transparency standards

✔ User-friendly management interface


OS Hub’s Embedded Map isn't just a stand-alone mapping solution.

It is connected to the OS Hub database and algorithm, which gives you access to a wealth of additional benefits:

  • Duplicate Removal - OS Hub’s algorithm will go through your data and match duplicate entries before generating your supplier map.

  • Interoperable Data - Each of your deduplicated facilities will receive a unique identifier (the OS ID) which you will be able to use to easily connect your data to your suite of supply chain service providers, creating a high quality base dataset that can be used for ESG & Due Diligence reporting.

  • Easy Collaborator Identification - When you upload your data to create your Embedded Map, your data is added to the full OS Hub database, allowing you to easily filter to see which other brands, MSIs, certification platforms and civil society organizations are also connected to your suppliers.

  • Streamlined Supplier Communication: Once you upload your data, encourage each of your suppliers to complete their profile to ensure you have the highest quality data possible listed for each of your sites.

And all this takes is uploading a spreadsheet to OS Hub and copy-pasting a short line of code to your website.



Your display of supply chain data not only meets but exceeds transparency standards, enhances stakeholder engagement, and reflects your brand's commitment to ethical practices, all with an effortlessly integrated solution.

PS: The Embedded Map isn't just for brands and retailers:

- Certification Schemes (like Fair Trade Certified) are easily showing off their certified sites

- Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives (like the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles) are providing transparency about their members' supply chains

- Facilities and Factory Groups (like Veshin Factory) are showing subcontractors & suppliers

And more!

Purchase your map today:

Frequently Asked Questions

Setting Up:

1. Upload spreadsheet(s) of your supplier data (including any additional data points you would like to display on your Embedded Map) to OS Hub. You’ll need to register for an account, if you have not already done so. If you have an API integration, your Embedded Map data will automatically pull from there.

2. Navigate to your OS Hub Settings menu and then select "Embed".

3. In the Embed tab of your OS Hub Settings, customize your map’s data points, branding, and size (you’ll be able to see a map preview as you work).

4. Copy the automatically generated code, containing your Embedded Map settings, and add the code to your website.

For a detailed tutorial and a peek at the interface, follow this link.


1. Update your data in OS Hub and see the updates on your Embedded Map. Note: all changes are made in OS Hub. There is no option for editing the data directly in the Embedded Map.

2. As needed, adjust the data fields, branding, and size of your map in the OS Hub Embed Settings to generate updated code to add to your site.

An OS Hub Embedded Map is added to your site as a raw iframe tag, so your website must be using a CMS that supports adding raw iframe tags (most do!).

Here are a couple of items for your tech team to consider:

  • The Embedded Map is added to your site as a raw iframe tag, so your website must be using a CMS that supports adding raw iframe tags in order to use the Embedded Map.

  • One of the configurable settings for the Embedded Map is the map size. You can choose a specific pixel height and width, or you can set the width to 100%, which will automatically take up the full width of your page, and then you can choose the corresponding height. If you select 100% width, you will not have additional padding on the sides of your Embedded Map, which could affect the user experience while scrolling on the page. We recommend thoroughly testing on multiple devices and screen sizes if using the 100% width feature.

All active, public lists associated with your Data Contributor account on OS Hub will be pulled into your Embedded Map. If you have one active, public list, it will use that. If you have multiple active, public lists, it will pull all of them and users will be able to filter by list on the map itself.

The answer to this question will depend on the Embedded Map package that you choose. All Embedded Map packages allow you to add any data points available in Open Supply Hub. Embed Deluxe includes those fields and unlimited additional data points. Those data points could include (but are not limited to):

- % female workers

- Tier

- % migrant workers

- Unionization / worker representation at facility

- % capacity utilization

- Length of relationship with facility

- Responsible sourcing / audit results

- Social / environmental improvement program

- Water use

- GHG emissions

It depends. Changes to your data fields or styling will not require a code update, as that data is stored in the OS Hub database, rather than in the code itself. Changes to the size of your map will require copying your updated Embed code to your website. Should you wish to adjust your Embed size settings after you’ve set up your map, you will need to make those adjustments in the Embed tab of OS Hub, copy your new Embed code, and then replace your old code on your website.

No. The Embedded Map will not display additional contributor information for your facilities. If users wish to view this information, they will need to click the link "view on Open Supply Hub" at the bottom of the facility information.

Nope! While the facility profile on OS Hub includes links to claim a facility or to suggest a data edit, those links are not included on the embedded map version. People will be able to search and view your facilities on the Embedded Map, but they will not be able to contribute suggestions or data that you need to review.

Because of the way the Embedded Map is designed, it is essentially loading a new page inside your current website. This means it is not actually loading any content directly into your website that could disrupt the surrounding page or other pages. From a technical perspective, OS Hub cannot see any data or content on the surrounding page.

The content on your Embedded Map is being pulled directly from the data that has been contributed through your profile on Open Supply Hub. You are able to update that data yourself as often as you wish - including removing facilities you are no longer working with.

Read Open Supply Hub’s Terms of Service for Embedded Maps here

Access to data on OS Hub will always be free. With the Embedded Map, we offer the possibility to display your supplier list on your website in a custom map, as well as IT support. As a small non-profit, we are not able to do this free of charge. We priced the Embedded Map in a way that makes it as accessible as possible for all sorts of organizations, while covering our needs as a non-profit.

Of course. Contact us at and our Sales Team will be happy to support you.

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